Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog Stage#8 "Redrawn Map in Texas" to Redistrict or Keep their Power.

In a November 29 article title “ Court Shouldn’t Reject the Redrawn Map” 

http://www.austinccedutxgov.blogspot.com/.Ana discusses and point the redrawn district in Texas. She points the current redraw map weakened minorities’ representation. Population shifts may result in an unequal representation amongst the single-member districts of local political subdivisions such as cities and school districts. We know that redistricting is necessary to maintain a substantially equal population between single-member districts within these local political subdivisions. Again let’s review the big question… What is redistricting? Redistricting is the process by which the boundaries of elective districts are periodically redrawn to maintain equal representation on the basis of population. After redraw the map, republican leaders have denied the Legislature's map would diminish minority voting power and denounced the court's map, which was approved by three judges. One more time, Texas Legislature drew up lines to support the Republicans' retention of the 3 to 2 majority? No say it isn't so. Why is their oversight built into the system? To maybe right the wrongs of the past? I sure hope so. The intent of these rules are to give the unconnected a chance to flourish as the connected have for decades.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Texas Deficit Budget

     In studying the Texas budget deficit, one see’s how Perry’s collection predominately takes the form of taxes. In the last ten years Governor Rick Perry’s spending takes place the form of salaries, defense spending, aid programs, and other cash outflows. In Texas, the government spends more than it collects. This means a budget deficit exists. Let’s discuss the budget deficit facing Texas in the upcoming two years.
   The state faced a budget gap for the 2012-13 biennium that had been estimated to be as high as $27 billion. The budget was not completed during the regular legislative session and lawmakers went into special session to make cuts of millions of dollars in state services in order to balance the budget. Texas’ two-year budget cycle slashes billions from schools. The budget cuts state spending by $15.2 billion, reduces funding for education and healthcare, and cuts more than 5,700 jobs from the state workforce. The budget would reduce state funding to school districts by $4 billion and shrink the state workforce to 235,135 by fiscal 2013, a decrease of 5,727 from the current 2011 level. Most commonly we’re talking about the cuts on education and health care. The Texas Legislature was in session, and had scissors in hand. With the budget deficit we are facing as a nation, and particularly here in Texas, the Legislature is cutting wherever possible.
   The first area of financial cutting by Perry has repeatedly been Texas school funding. So much funding has been cut already and has been dwindling down over the years. If we continue to allow such cutting, our children’s future will continue to lose important education and fall further down the list internationally. It is time for a priority check. This is a situation where being narrow-minded could rob your own child of a quality education, or even cause many children to go without health care. Lastly, Perry states:  “I having been the government of Texas for the last ten years, and most expert on the budget should be me”. Let us also remember about what Mr. Perry has been claiming for the past ten years; “Pro-business, low-tax policies mean that Texas' investments in education and other crucial areas are lagging behind?”
   Perry's funding decisions undermine the enhancing of student learning, those who will but follow the history of Texas education can begin to see that the school system is about to fall off the edge of a funding cliff. I hope that Texans observe closely that deficit budget cuts are a huge part of the legacy of Perry's governorship.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stage Blog#6- "Texas Sonogram Law" commentary by Alex Freitas


In Victoria's latest blog article: http://itscomplicatedtxgovt.blogspot.com/, “Texas Sonogram Law: The Road to Unnecessary Heartache”.She comments on the abortion –ultrasound law, I would have to say that I agree with her in some points mention in her blog. I believe in choices of freedom, but I’m not for unnecessary abortion. I agree with Victoria when she point s according to Rick Perry the law enforced that every Texas woman going in to abortion must have a sonogram with a doctor, 24 hours prior to the procedure. He explain this law is important to ensure that every Texas woman be aware about all the facts involved about the life she is carrying. I believe we all know that the Texas Senator is mainly Republicans, Christians, and Pro-life. I do believe the Rick Perry is trying to interfere in women’s decision to abort the pregnancy. I believe the author of this blog does a great job providing a concise backdrop on this subject. She brings a important points: talking about the emotional impact it will have on the woman, lawmakers “legislators and senators” doesn’t consider woman’s reasons to decided to abort, and mostly importantly who’s going to support most unmarried, teenager women’s. Of course, I believe that Rick Perry and 2/3 of Senator pass this bill not thinking about the brutal process a abortion can take its on a woman’s body, and mind, and women’s health. I would have to say that the government of Texas is trying to interfere in women’s choice by guilt place on these women in end a pregnancy. Now, I’m question the government Rick Perry and the legislative branch: Why? Only talk about abstinence in school. Why? Not teach and shown them the impact of early pregnancy has in woman’s body and life. Why? Not teach guys and girls different methods of prevent spread diseases and pregnancy. Why? Not show them an important sonogram of the fetus in early stages inside a woman. As a nurse I understand the concern for women’s health when it comes to abortions. I think its wrong to attempt to guilt these women in making a decision of end a pregnancy when we never thought about the consequences and risk involved.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thanks... to Ignorance

I have been bother about the Perry's support of "Abstinence" in Texas. Teen pregnancy rates declined in the US, while more teens in Texas are getting pregnant. Texas is in the top ten states for having the most pregnant teens, rising seven percent to more than 44,000. Rick Perry and company believes that taxpayer-funded emphasis on abstinence education. Ignorance by the government has ruined a lot of teenaged girls lives. Thanks to Texas government…good way to keep young women from completing their education and keep them poor & pregnant. I believe “Abstinence “could works, but you should be informed what it is you're practicing abstinence from. Texas is not teaching what actually causes pregnancy. Texas government is not pro to educate teenage about pregnancy itself and in the options that they have about birth control, and prevent STDs. The school district in Texas is abstinence only. It’s clear the "perfect" solution doesn't actually work very well in Texas. Turns out you have to actually teach kids about sex, and stop ignorance of Rick Perry. Interesting, the republican and tea party would not support fund Planned Parenthood. Enforced ignorance doesn't reduce teen pregnancy; it just makes it more likely. Education could save many young women’s in Texas to ruin their early lives. 


Thanks... to Ignorance

I have been bother about the Perry's support of "Abstinence" in Texas. Teen pregnancy rates declined in the US, while more teens in Texas are getting pregnant. Texas is in the top ten states for having the most pregnant teens, rising seven percent to more than 44,000. Rick Perry and company believes that taxpayer-funded emphasis on abstinence education. Ignorance by the government has ruined a lot of teenaged girls lives. Thanks to Texas government…good way to keep young women from completing their education and keep them poor & pregnant. I believe “Abstinence “could works, but you should be informed what it is you're practicing abstinence from. Texas is not teaching what actually causes pregnancy. Texas government is not pro to educate teenage about pregnancy itself and in the options that they have about birth control, and prevent STDs. The school district in Texas is abstinence only. It’s clear the "perfect" solution doesn't actually work very well in Texas. Turns out you have to actually teach kids about sex, and stop ignorance of Rick Perry. Interesting, the republican and tea party would not support fund Planned Parenthood. Enforced ignorance doesn't reduce teen pregnancy; it just makes it more likely. Education could save many young women’s in Texas to ruin their early lives. 


Wednesday, October 26, 2011



Happy TARP-iversary

    Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). TARP was enacted by the Bush administration. The TARP program was created in 2008 to stabilize the financial system. The Treasury Department has committed more than $500 billion to more than 800 firms through the program. While Mr. Obama did not enact TARP, his administration has largely been responsible for administering it. Not surprisingly, the public’s verdict on the Bush presidency is overwhelmingly negative. More than three times as many people say Bush will go down in history as a poor president. The approval ratings of George W. Bush have, at different points in time, run the numbers from high to all-time record low.
     Bush has enjoyed strong support among Republicans and Americans holding conservative views, and for the 2004 election, 95-98% of the Republican electorate approved of and voted for Bush, a figure exceeding the approval of Ronald Reagan. This support waned, however, due mostly to Republicans' growing frustration with Bush on the issues of spending and illegal immigration. Some Republicans even began criticizing Bush on his policies in Iraq, Iran, and the Palestinian territories
     Everything he did hurt this country. I did not vote for him. The majority of voters did not vote for him. He has totally destroyed the now non-existent middle class. He did not "handle" 9/11 at all. It’s true that the government did have some beforehand knowledge that there was going to be an attack; why wait to be attack? In my opinion, it is going to take a lot longer than 4 years for this country to recover from W Bush, if it can recover at all. I do believe the President Obama and Congress have been facing in addressing the controversial legacy of the Bush administration.