Wednesday, October 26, 2011



Happy TARP-iversary

    Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). TARP was enacted by the Bush administration. The TARP program was created in 2008 to stabilize the financial system. The Treasury Department has committed more than $500 billion to more than 800 firms through the program. While Mr. Obama did not enact TARP, his administration has largely been responsible for administering it. Not surprisingly, the public’s verdict on the Bush presidency is overwhelmingly negative. More than three times as many people say Bush will go down in history as a poor president. The approval ratings of George W. Bush have, at different points in time, run the numbers from high to all-time record low.
     Bush has enjoyed strong support among Republicans and Americans holding conservative views, and for the 2004 election, 95-98% of the Republican electorate approved of and voted for Bush, a figure exceeding the approval of Ronald Reagan. This support waned, however, due mostly to Republicans' growing frustration with Bush on the issues of spending and illegal immigration. Some Republicans even began criticizing Bush on his policies in Iraq, Iran, and the Palestinian territories
     Everything he did hurt this country. I did not vote for him. The majority of voters did not vote for him. He has totally destroyed the now non-existent middle class. He did not "handle" 9/11 at all. It’s true that the government did have some beforehand knowledge that there was going to be an attack; why wait to be attack? In my opinion, it is going to take a lot longer than 4 years for this country to recover from W Bush, if it can recover at all. I do believe the President Obama and Congress have been facing in addressing the controversial legacy of the Bush administration.

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